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  • クライアントのお気に入り 0
    提案日時 2022年02月11日 12:46



  • クライアントのお気に入り 0
    提案日時 2022年02月11日 12:44


    The meaning of this logo is similar to the previous one. It shows a feather and a line that represents the horizon.
    The word school is placed beneath the line meaning that the school is within the horizon. Still, Beyondia and International's words lie above the curve, symbolizing that you will reach beyond your horizon in this school and extend your limits.
    The feather points at the letter E in this version, virtually dividing the word BE from BEYONDIA.

    So, the overall meaning of the look is: Be Beyondia International School, a place where that helps you extend your horizon.

    We propose the colour BROWN for the same reasons as explained in the first proposal.

  • クライアントのお気に入り 0
    提案日時 2022年02月11日 12:33



  • クライアントのお気に入り 0
    提案日時 2022年02月11日 12:30


    The limits of our knowledge are as far as we can see ( the horizon). So how can we extend our horizon and get BEYOND it?

    The logo consists of 4 elements:
    1- Square represents two things: a box and a window. It is overlayed by a feather and is cut by it, creating an opening. It means " to think outside the box".
    2- The curve represents the horizon, and the feather writes it.
    3- The feather pen represents study.
    4- Text with the name of the university.

    With this LOGO, we want to tell a story on how to reach beyond your box/ horizon. So, the logo's meaning is:
    Think outside the box, Beyondia International School, a window where you can draw your horizon.

    The logo I am proposing comes in two forms, horizontal for use such as in business cards, documents etc., and vertical uses in websites, lanyards, etc. The proposed colour for the logo is BROWN. It is the colour of stability and reliability. Brown is dependable and comforting. A great counsellor and shows wisdom. It is supporting and protecting. It stabilizes us and helps us ground. (but it can be changed according to the client's taste)

    The logo is easy to recognize, easy to be read, and easy to remember!
