「会社法人のロゴを募集します!イメージはほぼあり具現化してくださる方!」へのJames Y.さんの提案一覧

James Y.さんの提案

  • 14
  • クライアントのお気に入り 0
    提案日時 2020年02月12日 10:03


    Hello, Dear!
    Thanks for giving me your chance.

    I am a front-end developer for graphic design and website design with fully responsive and user-friendly.

    I am expertise in designing mockups and wireframes for mobile and web applications with HTML, CSS, and UI/UX.

    And I am also expertise in PSD to HTML conversion.

    Expertise Skills:

    + Logo Design
    + Banner Design
    + Web Design
    + Mobile UI/UX design
    + Theme Customization
    + Photoshop expert
    + Flyer Design

    We love to provide you an attractive design for your web and mobile application as per your requirements.

    Please check my portfolio on my profile for your reference.


    Kindly initiate the chat to start a discussion now.

    Best Regards
