個人 / - / - ( - )
最終アクセス: 約3年前
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I am a skilled experienced web developer since 2012. All these years my sole focus is Japanese websites.
Although I am not Japanese and can't really understand the language, my years of experience help me become an expert in providing web services for Japanese clients. Normally I work with a mediator that talks to clients while I do the work, this time I want to work directly with you.
Provided we could communicate well, I can 100% guarantee you'll be satisfied with my job.
サイト構築・ウェブ開発 / データベース設計・構築 / スクレイピング・データ収集 / Webプログラミング / システム管理・更新・保守 / テスト・検証・デバッグ / Webサイト更新・保守 / データクレンジング / セキュリティ対策 / 品質評価