個人 / 男性 / 40代後半 ( 長崎県 )
最終アクセス: 10ヶ月前
職種 |
スキル |
- Software engineer possessing Comprehensive 8 years of experience as IT Professional
- 5+ years of experience as web frontend Developer
- 2+ years of exclusive experience as Blockchain Developer
- 1+ years of research experience pursuing part time PhD in computer science on Cloud Security with Blockchain.
- Hands - on experience developing web-based applications like NFT marketplace and staking-platform with React frontend and web3.js in specific.
- Experience in working with Databases like Oracle, SQL Server, SAP HANA, MongoDB and proficiency in writing SQL queries.
- Proficient with HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery, AJAX, JSON and Bootstrap
- Proficient in developing ethereum smart contracts with contract-oriented scripting language Solidity.
- Experience in building DApps using HTML, Java Script and Node.js and interact with Ethereum Blockchain by using Web3 JS API and metamask.