

/ Web制作


スキル レベル 経験年数 備考
React 4 3〜5年 As a React Developer, I worked on the crypto dapp projects, rental service projects, job sites etc
JavaScript 4 3〜5年 Javascript is a popular programming language and also my favorite & familar skill. working with ECMA script
PHP 4 3〜5年 my 1st web skill is php.
developed many web apps based on php
C# 4 5年以上 .net is one of my major skills.
with working c#, asp.net, asp.net mvc and asp.net core, entity framework, ms sql etc
C# デスクトップアプリ開発 4 5年以上 .net is one of my major skills.
with working c#, asp.net, asp.net mvc and asp.net core, entity framework, ms sql etc
C#Webアプリケーション 4 5年以上 .net is one of my major skills.
with working c#, asp.net, asp.net mvc and asp.net core, entity framework, ms sql etc
ASP.NET 4 5年以上 .net is one of my major skills.
with working c#, asp.net, asp.net mvc and asp.net core, entity framework, ms sql etc
Windowsアプリ開発(C# WPF) 4 3〜5年 .net is one of my major skills.
with working c#, asp.net, asp.net mvc and asp.net core, entity framework, ms sql etc
ASP.NET MVC 4 3〜5年 .net is one of my major skills.
with working c#, asp.net, asp.net mvc and asp.net core, entity framework, ms sql etc
Unity 3 3〜5年 Unity is my familiar stacks. worked shooting, 2D game, gambling game, fighting game etc with Unit & c#
node.js 4 3〜5年 Node is base for js base of js frameworks, such as React, Angular, Vue etc and I d like to develop projects based on Node.
CMS・WordPress 4 3〜5年 Developed eCommerce, marketing website, various landing page etc
MySQL 5 5年以上 As an experienced web developer, I m very familiar with MySQL database management, various complex querying etc
Laravel 4 5年以上 Worked on the management system, finance system, School education system etc with laravel
kalaseremet1000 さんの
閲覧回数 : 50 回
気になる!リスト : 0 人

